Saturday may be a day of rest and personal pursuits as the week’s proverbial nightcap, but in the city that never sleeps, the surge into the weekend is just the beginning. Social media engagement at the 2018 American Academy of Advertising conference in New York has jumped more than 500% coming out of Friday, as the conference has shifted into high gear.

With 100% of posts related to the conference coming over Twitter in the past 24 hours, conversation on social media regarding the conference has increased 573%
Conference presentations ramped up as attendees took the insights offered by the valuable research being presented by researchers from across the United States. Naturally as hosts of the party, AAA attracted the most recognition, running away with the top spot for mentions amongst conference attendees over the 24 hour period.
With the conference in full swing, it isn’t surprising that research and presentations formed the core of conversation swirling around the event, with the award winning group from Michigan State’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences continuing to stir up discussion.

With presentations shifting into high gear on Friday, the conversation around the AAA conference has expanded in turn.
A deeper look at some of the posts coming out of the conference heading into the weekend gives us not only a peek at some of the research being presented, but the wisdom and insight the sharing of that research inspires.
True career sweet spot – do what you are good at, love what you do, and do what creates world values. #AAANYC18
— S. Chinchanachokchai (@schinchana) March 23, 2018
“Just do what you love” is bad career advice. Need to be competitively good at it and be able to add value through it. #AAANYC18
— Kasey Windels (@windels) March 23, 2018
The SEE Suite at the University of Georgia strives to produce the finest of social media analysts through hands-on experience and guidance from both industry leaders and the world-class faculty of UGA’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. As the conference barrels towards its conclusion on Sunday, we’ll continue to provide insight and analysis of social media trends.
Post contributed by SEE Suite Graduate Associate Bryan Trude.