The Social media Engagement & Evaluation Suite at the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the Grady College at the University of Georgia is an innovative space, designed for students and researchers to gain the skills, experience and knowledge to become leaders in the changing social communication ecosystems.

See Suite Mission

Become a hub for teaching, training and research in social media practice and scholarship.
Focus on the underpinnings of successful social media activity: Listening and Analytics, Engagement and Strategic Insights.
Directly train students, providing them with the high demand skills of social media analytics.
Provide a sandbox for researchers to develop methods for analyzing big data and theory building.
Collaborate with professional partners to handle monitoring requests for local and regional businesses.
Hold workshops for local social media professionals with a focus on social media analytics and engagement.
The Suite

The 888 sq lab is equipped with
20 stations, each equipped with a powerful computer and two screens.
2 x 80” social media data screens are used for instruction and live stream of social media data and other content.
2 x 70” cable news screens are used to monitor traditional media.
An instructor station, equipped with a powerful computer to control data screens and to communicate with all 20 students’ stations.
A modular multi-piece center table will be used for group activities and discussions.
The large center table will transform the lab into a social media war room. Laptops will be used at the main table for strategizing and for live engagement.
Full video-conferencing capabilities allow students to work with agencies and interact with guest speakers.