Taking the Social Media Analytics, Listening & Engagement class, students write a final report, based on the analysis of their topic of choice. Students employ Crimson Hexagon for individual and cross platform social media, NodeXL from the social media research foundation for network analysis of Twitter data, Excel for raw data advanced analysis, and a variety  of other social media analytics tools.  We bring below some of their work.

Spring 2016 – Overarching topics: Elections and Health

Welcoming America & Immigration by Angela Edmonds, Qiuhui Li, Sarah Lindsay & Chris Shea

Let’s Move by G. Holbrook, P. Maison & F. Mu

Planned Parrenthood by Alex Butenko, Emily Johnson & Daniella Ramirez

Vaccination by Clare Thomas, Tori Stoenica & Sarah Bates

CASAA Media by Samantha Henning, Missy Harris & Caroline McCarthy

E-Cigs and Health by Ashlyn Belding, Brittany Bowes & Madeleine Tutterow

GunsControl by Tyler Badger, Dan Clifford, Aaron Klein & Katie Moseley

Terrorism and Elections by Charlotte Burney, Ananda Costa & Breyuana Smith