By Bryan Trude – SEE Suite Graduate Associate
Greetings, all you dreamers and Tweeters out there. Friday and Saturday represented the real meat of the American Academy of Advertising’s annual academic conference, going on in Dallas, Texas. While last time we saw a spike in activity on Thursday as the pre-conference ramped up, despite near radio silence leading up to the conference’s pre-conference slate, the beginning of the main course helped keep overall post volume trending upwards, while more than doubling our overall post count compared to pre-conference, with more than 90% of that traffic stemming from Twitter.

As we dig in to the conversation, however, we start to see a new confounding presence, courtesy of the commonality of the AAA abbreviation: The Animal Ag Alliance has begun promoting their early may Stakeholder’s Summit in Kansas City, using the hashtag #AAA19. In addition to presenting an interestingly odd juxtaposition between advertising and animal agriculture, it also illustrates the difficulty of finding and using unique hashtags in branding.
Once the Alliance is sussed out of the conversation, however, we can zero in on some of our most popularly retweeted content so far from the conference, and we actually have a tie. First is a tweet by the University of Florida School of Journalism, promoting a presentation by @UFBranding regarding the differences between Adblock users and non-users.
The other leading retweeted message was…well…we hate to toot our own horn here, but…
Of course, that’s to say nothing about the exciting tidbits of conversation flowing from the attendees themselves. For example, @kquesen spoke about how emojis increase online engagement.
We’ll be back Tuesday for a look at the last days of #AAADallas19, and a look at the people at the conference whose experiences makes the AAA Annual Conference the event and academic gem it is.