By Riley DiClemente, Meredith Tilton, and Delaney Williams

Our topic had a total of 58,000 mentions across all platforms. Twitter was the main source of information on heart health. Twitter contained 46% of the information we analyzed and contributed 28,000 of those mentions. The discussion within each platform differed on trending topics. The majority of conversation between users occurred on blogging platforms that allow them to go into detail on their heart health journey. The Twitter source content contained information on heart health diets, tips, research, and more.
Popular tweets within the Twitter platform span from posts containing graphics about a balanced diet to recommended workouts for those with valvular heart disease. Twitter was the top content source within our earned topic data. Topics mentioned most frequent on Twitter related to blood pressure and healthy eating. The majority of information analyzed was positive or neutral on the subject of heart health on Twitter. Most Twitter users shared tips on improving heart health with short statements on lowering blood pressure and healthy foods that maintain a healthy cholesterol. One spike in mentions within our topic occurred on June 14. Volume in mentions was 79% higher than normal. Twitter users engaged in discussion on heart health because it was #WorldBloodDonorDay. Users encouraged people to donate blood and reap benefits of improved cardiovascular health and reduction of cholesterol & regulated blood pressure.
Blogs and Tumblr posts are similar in form type, so we analyzed discussion within both sources together. Within these content sources, the topic of diet is discussed the most. Users are able to discuss dieting and how it may affect heart health with others and go into detail of the positive and negative effects they experience. We found most users are talking specifically about the Keto Diet and its effect on heart health and overall health in general.

Above shows information regarding earned data among American Heart Association and its competitors. Although the Red Cross Foundation has the highest mention volume and largest share of voice percentage, it has the lowest percentage of positive sentiment data. Posts in the positive sentiment category from the Children’s Heart Foundation, whose positive sentiment is the highest, contained photos of patients and emphasized success stories of patients with heart disease. @American_Heart has one of the highest percentages of positive sentiment data and the second highest number of overall mentions within our dataset. #AHA #AmericanHeart #medtwitter