Dr. Theo Araujo
The SEE Suite at the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication invites you to join us Monday, April 16, as we welcome Dr. Theo Araujo to present “Machine Learning for Content Analysis of Text and Images on Social Media.”
Social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, makes up one of the main driving forces behind the accelerated volume, variety, and velocity at which data is produced and potentially made available for both organizations and researchers. But what does researching this data looks like? This lecture will discuss a general overview of the advantages and limitations of performing automated content analysis using social media data. This will cover topics such as data collection, the use of machine learning, and the use of machine vision.
Dr. Araujo is an Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at the University of Amsterdam, and a researcher at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. His research interests primarily focus on the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence and related technologies within the communication environment, and within communication research. This includes investigating the antecedents and consequences of the deployment of conversational agents by organizations in their relationship with stakeholders, and exploring the patterns of communication and perceptions about interactions with non-human entities. Dr. Araujo is also interested in developments of computational social science, and the implementation of large-scale data collection and analysis for communication research. This includes research on social media usage by organizations, stakeholders, and traditional news media.
The lecture begins at 11 am in the SEE Suite, room 108 on the first floor of the Journalism building on the University of Georgia campus, at the corner of Hooper Street and Sanford Drive.
The Social media Engagement and Evaluation (SEE) Suite is a part of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications. The suite is an innovative space for students and researchers to gain the skills, experience, and knowledge to become leaders in the changing social communication ecosystem.