By Kennedy Mayfield-Smith, Sohyun Park, and Katie Ryan
We see birds in everyday life: in the countryside, the city park, on electronic wires. However, have you ever envisioned a world without birds? Audubon society reports observed that wild bird populations have continued to plummet, particularly in recent decades possibly due to climate change. Thereby, conservation actions towards endangered birds are becoming the most crucial mission of the National Audubon Society.

Our earlier analysis of the National Audubon Society’s social media examined that the Audubon Society’s top themes are nature conservation, taking action, and land conservation. Among those three themes, posts concerning the birdwatching project, titled Great Backyard Bird Count, resulted in significant achievements. Great Backyard Bird Count gave rise to 268,674 estimated participants, 27,270,156 total bird counts, and 6,942 species of birds identified (insert image). This project also yielded accomplishments in the National Audubon Society’s social media
Great Backyard Bird Count was launched not only by the National Audubon Society but also the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology earned the most positive sentiments (18%) between the organizations regarding bird protection. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology also was one of the top trending topics. Further, from January to March 2020, the hashtag #birdwatching received 1,274,396 impressions: the highest impressions on Twitter between hashtags related to bird conservation actions.